Dear visitors, On the occasion of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games on Friday 26th July, the museum will exceptionally close at 4pm.
Thank you for your understanding.

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  • Schools and extracurricular

  • The Marmottan Monet Museum welcomes schools and extracurriculars from kindergarten to high school. Two types of visits are offered to students and their companions in our permanent collections or in the temporary exhibition.

    Free visits (reservation required)

    • From Tuesday to Friday
    • Price: 5 € / student (primary and secondary)
    • 25 children maximum
    • 1 accompanist for 8 students
    • A pedagogical file can be sent to you on request

    For further information, reservations or problems, please write to :
    Phone: +33(0)1 44 96 50 83 (Tuesday to Thursday from 10am to 12pm and from 2pm to 4pm)

    Thematic guided tours (reservation required)

    The schedule of thematic activities will be available quickly.

    • Tuesday and Thursday : 9:30am, 10am, 10:30am and 11am
    • Accompanied visit package: 25 € for primary / 75 € for secondary + ticket entrance fee (5 euros per student)
    • 25 children maximum with a minimum number of accompanists set at:
      – 1 accompanist for 8 students (kindergarten)
      – 1 accompanist for 10 students (elementary and middle school)
      – 1 accompanist for 15 (high school)

    For further information, reservations or problems, please write to : / Phone : +33(0)1 44 96 50 83