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MONET Claude (Paris, 1840 ; Giverny, 1926)

1916 entre ; 1919 et
toile (peinture à l’huile) H. 130 cm ; l. 152 cm (sans cadre) ; H. 151 cm ; l. 173 cm (avec cadre)
Signé en bas à droite du cachet de l'atelier : "Claude Monet".
inv. 5098
legs Monet Michel (testateur) (1966 acquis)
There are no spatial markers in this work in which physical elements and reflections perceived by the painter come together on the surface of the pond. The fronds of the willow lie across the water in a sheet, combining with the water lilies, whose oval forms and purplish hues break the vertical fluidity of the branches, and whose red and yellow flowers are like explosions of warmth against the other, colder tones. This water-lily painting was probably an easel painting made to be sold. It differs significantly from the many studies made for the Grand Decorations, notably in the care taken over the composition and the meticulous rendering of each element, with colors covering the whole surface of the canvas, leaving none of the reserves that abound in the many studies made in similar dimensions during the same period.