La Vierge, l’Enfant, saint Jean-Baptiste et sept personnages
1553 vers 3e quart 16e siècle
parchemin ? (peint, doré) H. 17,5 cm ; l. 13 cm
inv. M-6119
don Wildenstein Daniel (donateur) (1981 acquis)
The Musée Marmottan Monet holds three miniatures by Giulio Clovio, an artist of Croatian origin who was active in Rome and Mantua under the aegis of Cardinal Alessandro Farnese. Described by Giorgio Vasari as the greatest miniaturist of his day and as a “new Michelangelo,” “Don Giulio” translated onto parchment the monumental art of that Florentine master. His meticulous and almost Mannerist style won him renown throughout Europe in the 16th century.