JACOB-DESMALTER François Honoré Georges (ébéniste) (1770 ; 1841)
vers 1810
acajou ; bronze (doré) ; marbre H. 108 cm ; l. 112 cm ; P. 62 cm ; VOLUM. 0,75
«Jacob-D.R. Meslée».
inv. 345
legs Marmottan Paul (testateur) (1932 acquis)
This meuble d’appui opens to reveal a drawer which forms a writing table, below which are two doors. The beauty of the burr mahogany is set off by abundant and rich decoration in gilt bronze, dominated by the low-relief appliques on the doors. These represent Flora (on the right) and Venus Anadyomene (on the left). The ornamental repertoire is characteristic of the Empire period. In addition to the figures drawn from mythology, husks, palmettes, thyrsi, antiquestyle heads, and stars punctuate the façade throughout. Even the highly geometric form of the furniture, which stands on a solid base, was in keeping with the new fashion. The quality of execution and the profusion of bronzes make this commode-secrétaire a very fine example of Jacob Desmalter’s luxury production.